Putting the Axe on OOP


  • The Dark Ages of Software Development: The era of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) can be aptly termed the dark ages of software development, characterized by unnecessary disputes, and a lack of standardization.
  • Over-Architected Solutions: OOP represents an over-engineered response to the problems it was intended to solve, introducing more complexity than necessary.
  • Complex Encapsulation: OOP’s approach to encapsulation results in a tree structure layered over another tree structure [folder structure – the natural encapsulator], leading to O(n²) complexity.
  • Decoupled with Reusability: OOP couples Encapsulation and Reusability in one package, promoting reusability everywhere, instead of by design.
  • Promoted Arguments/Delayed Standardization: OOP promoted more complicated layered architectures that tried to untangle from it complexity created more complexity.
  • Costly Consequences: The inefficiencies stemming from OOP have incurred significant costs, adversely affecting productivity and maintenance across the industry.
  • Natural Evolution: The shift toward organizing classes into single files and dedicated folders signifies a crucial evolution in software design, promoting clarity and modularity.
  • Introducing MBE: Modular-Based Engineering (MBE) advocates for a simpler, more intuitive folder structure that enhances code organization and maintainability.
  • The Path Forward: MBE presents a standardizable, clear, adaptable, and estimable solution for modern software development, guiding us away from the complexities of OOP.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has long been celebrated as a revolutionary achievement in software engineering. It introduced the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, promising to organize and simplify software complexity. By encouraging developers to think in terms of real-world “objects,” OOP seemed poised to bring clarity and modularity to coding practices. However, as software systems evolved, the initial promise of OOP began to unravel, revealing inherent complexities and pitfalls that hindered its effectiveness.

OOP’s appeal extends beyond its practical benefits; it became a cornerstone of educational curricula, shaping how generations of developers learned to code. This deep-rooted adoption ensured that OOP would be seen as the “right way” to build software, prompting companies to invest billions into applications built around its principles. Yet, as systems grew more complex, developers found themselves tangled in layers of inheritance and convoluted design patterns intended to address the very complications OOP introduced.

Ultimately, OOP’s grand promise has led the software industry into what can be termed the “dark ages of software development,” creating the very complexities it sought to resolve. The time has come to reevaluate the efficacy of this once-visionary approach.

A Critical Analysis of OOP’s Limitations

Despite its conceptual brilliance, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has imposed a rigid framework that complicates software development. The reliance on class hierarchies creates inflexible structures that are difficult to modify or extend. When changes are needed, developers often navigate complex webs of dependencies, risking new bugs and increasing technical debt.

A key issue with OOP is its dependence on hierarchical inheritance. Classes inherit attributes and behaviors from parent classes, which can stifle flexibility and lead to cascading changes throughout the system. Once a class hierarchy is established, any necessary modifications can introduce unintended side effects, creating a fragile codebase. This reliance on tree structures leads to “n^2 complexity,” where the impact of changes can ripple through the entire codebase, complicating even minor modifications.

As we transitioned from OOP, we began to see a significant evolution in software development. The movement toward organizing classes into dedicated files marked a pivotal shift. By enforcing the rule that one class should reside in its own folder, developers embraced a more modular mindset. This evolution not only simplified code organization but also laid the groundwork for robust testing practices. Testing a single class housed within a clearly defined folder structure made it easier to identify dependencies and isolate issues, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable code. This evolution prompts us to ask: Where are we headed? The answer lies in recognizing that a logical folder structure is the natural way to encapsulate functionality. This shift reflects an understanding that OOP built a tree structure on top of an existing tree structure, leading to compounded complexities.

Additionally, while reusability has long been touted as a hallmark of good software design, it is worth reconsidering whether it should always be promoted. The principle of “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) can sometimes lead to over-complexity and confusion. Reusability should be viewed as a contextual consideration rather than an absolute rule, as enforcing it indiscriminately can obscure code clarity and maintainability.

The cost of OOP’s limitations has been staggering, with estimates suggesting trillions of dollars wasted on maintenance, technical debt, and the inefficiencies created by unnecessary arguments over architectures and non-standardization in the field. These financial implications underscore the need for a shift away from the entrenched paradigms that OOP established. The debates and lack of standardization in software development fueled by OOP’s complexities have stifled innovation, diverting resources away from more productive avenues.

Ultimately, OOP has led us into what can be termed the “dark ages of software development.” It has become clear that OOP is an ill-solution that leads to overcomplications and creates a landscape fraught with inefficiencies. As we look toward the future of software engineering, it is essential to acknowledge these limitations and embrace more effective paradigms, such as Modular-Based Engineering (MBE), that promise clarity, adaptability, and a more sustainable approach to building software.

If OOP Wasn’t the Solution, What Is?

This critique of OOP’s shortcomings points us toward a simpler, more flexible approach that avoids its hierarchical complexities. Modular-Based Engineering (MBE) offers a viable alternative, providing a streamlined, efficient framework for building scalable software.

Embracing Modular-Based Engineering for Software Simplicity

Meta Description: Discover how Modular-Based Engineering offers a simpler, more effective approach.

Introducing Modular-Based Engineering (MBE)

MBE represents a modern shift in software development by focusing on simplifying code structure, minimizing dependencies, and reducing technical debt. By eliminating rigid class hierarchies and relying on function-based modules organized by logical folder structures, MBE directly addresses the complexity that OOP introduces. Here, we explore MBE’s core principles and illustrate how each simplifies development compared to OOP.

1. Modularity Without Classes

In MBE, software is broken down into independent, functional modules instead of relying on classes. Each module serves a specific purpose and interacts through well-defined interfaces, allowing for greater flexibility and easier maintenance. This independence reduces technical debt, as refactoring or replacing a module can be done without impacting others.

2. Clear Functional Boundaries

MBE prioritizes clear functional boundaries, using pure functions that operate independently and produce no side effects. This ensures that modules are predictable, easily testable, and scalable. In contrast, OOP often entangles functionality within classes, leading to hidden dependencies that complicate testing and debugging.

3. Encapsulation Through Folder Structure

Instead of encapsulating data and behavior within objects, MBE uses a logical folder structure to define boundaries. Each module is organized intuitively, eliminating the need for complex access controls found in OOP. This natural organization enhances code navigation and clarity.

4. Dependency Management Without Inheritance

MBE promotes composition over inheritance, allowing modules to import only the dependencies they need. This approach prevents the “fragile base class problem,” where changes in a parent class can ripple through child classes. By keeping dependencies at the module level, MBE enables loose coupling and reduces the impact of changes.

5. Natural Organization with a Folder-Based Structure

MBE fosters a clear, navigable codebase by organizing modules in a folder-based structure. This eliminates the scattered, often confusing layout seen in OOP. With a well-defined structure, developers can easily locate code and understand the system’s architecture.

Building a Standardized Approach for Software Engineering

To further address the challenges of code organization in modern software development, I am working on the Standardized Folder Structure Whitepaper, which aims to establish a common framework for organizing software projects. This project leverages the principles of MBE to create a cohesive, community-driven approach to structuring code.

At the heart of this initiative is the belief that software projects should follow a logical organizational model that is easily navigable by any developer. This whitepaper introduces a modular folder structure that prioritizes simplicity and adaptability, eliminating the confusion often present in large codebases.

The work is evolving toward a new framework tentatively named BEM (name subject to change), which aims to standardize software engineering practices. I invite you to explore the GitHub repository for the Standardized Folder Structure Whitepaper at https://github.com/adico1/standardized-folder-structure-whitepaper. This is an open, collaborative project where contributions from the developer community are invaluable.

By sharing ideas and refining the structure together, we can create a lasting standard for software development that enhances clarity and maintainability across projects. Join us in bringing much-needed standardization to software engineering—a shift that has the potential to benefit developers and organizations industry-wide.